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  • Adam Behringer

    Seattle, Washington USA

    Adam is the founder of BEEDOCS, an artisan software company that makes great timeline software for Mac OS X.

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What's New in March '09

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Video still of rope on a table

There have been many small improvements to Bee Docs Timeline over the last few months. Besides the release notes, I thought it would be fun to get into the habit of putting a video together each month to highlight a few of the changes. Hopefully you will find it entertaining and informative!

Click here to visit our movie page

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Blogger BeruApril 01, 2009 12:22 AM

the possibility of having more than 200 events in the timeline is really important, maybe that was one of the problems I struggled with when testing the software, I had >>200 items.

also the video improvements sound useful.

There are tons of people like me using omnifocus not Things, will this be supported in the future?

also, how about supporting batch adding of events to existing timelines, like via copy/paste or from iCal? that would make it a much more useful app...

Anonymous AnonymousApril 09, 2009 2:34 PM

Some way to present comparative timelines e.g. baseline (what was supposed to happen) vs. actual (what did happen)

Some way to identify some sort of relative significant for events. In my case, the events which are complete, in-progress, not started
Text color? Opacity? Frame with adjustable color?

Allowing any sequential numbers vs. just dates would drastically increase its potential uses (e.g. floors in a building so each ‘event’ could show occupants of that floor, sequential process steps, etc)

Some way to make creating / updating a timeline more automatic so I could quickly and easily publish and updated version, for instance, for each week’s status update based on the information I manage in a spreadsheet / GANTT chart / custom database application

Importing a CSV from a spreadsheet would suffice, but allow me to import information for all fields


Import from OmniPlan and/or OmniOutliner

Blogger Dan KeldsenApril 13, 2009 8:05 AM

BTW - to speed up the perception of rendering time, you might want to consider doing background-rendering whenever there is enough of a pause in normal activity to warrant it. Very popular for many audio and video rendering tools.

You might also want to add getsatisfaction, ideascale, uservoice or similar functionality onto your site so you can get some real ranking and feedback on what to fix/add/remove, etc.. Very handy - and free.

Great product overall though - very slick production.

Anonymous SourenaApril 16, 2009 2:25 PM

Adam, I enjoy working with Timeline and all the previous issueare resolved for me.
The only feature that I wish Timeline have in the future is a set up for Maximum pages for print. We have minimum setting but not maximum. The timeline I am working on it right now is too long and I wish I could have it in a fewer pages. To do that I need to be able to set up a maximum page number, but I cannot.

Blogger UnknownApril 29, 2009 6:36 AM

Rather than add more importers, I humbly suggest critical improvements to what is there.

* Improved Print Capabilities (it's nearly impossible to print BeeDocs timelines without spending significant time in another app. Entries break across pages, automatic layout hates anything more than the simplest timelines)

* Manual layout (Automatic layout is a great start. You can instantly get a basic timeline going. After that, it's pulling teeth. Often I have to change my timeline to work with automatic layout. I keep waiting for improvements to Bee Docs settings since before T2, no luck. The "for manual layout open in another app" is a cop out to me. To be honest, I've started using Bee Docs only for spacing out a Timeline. I then rebuild from scratch in Pages.)

* New 3D views (to be frank, the popup book style is beginning to look stale: what about a lightbox approach, carousel, timemachine, flipbook). I end up having to do screencasts of timelines for variety.

I say all this because I want to love Timeline, but I'm getting tired of being frustrated and wasting time working around its limitations. When I look at how fancy the BeeDocs website has become, I wish that Timeline felt that design touch, too.

Anonymous packetsdontlieMay 14, 2009 7:35 AM

I'd like to see OPML import as well. I struggle with the quirkiness of the bulk editor and can be much faster in my other data/text entry tools with OPML import.

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