About Me

  • Adam Behringer

    Seattle, Washington USA

    Adam is the founder of BEEDOCS, an artisan software company that makes great timeline software for Mac OS X.

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Farewell to Elise

Monday, August 22, 2011

Elise Hunt has been taking care of the BEEDOCS community for the past two and a half years as our Customer Service and Community Development Lead. This will be her last week in that role, as the journey of pursueing her dreams will be taking her to new places.

Over the past few years, Elise has helped thousands of our customers. If she has helped you through a friendly e-mail, a postcard, or through one of the tutorial videos she created, I would appreciate if you would join me in thanking her for her service and wishing her well. I encourage you to leave a friendly comment or send her an e-mail.

Thanks Elise!

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Bug is squashed

Friday, August 05, 2011

Sorry folks, I released some cool Lion features in the 3.2 release yesterday but managed to introduce a serious bug in Snow Leopard which prevented existing documents from opening. That is the bad news.

The good news is that thanks to Elise and some patient customers we have found the bug, fixed it, and posted a new update less than 24 hours. Please download the 3.2.1 upgrade which is working great on Lion -and- Snow Leopard.

Once again, I apologize for the mixup. Those kinds of bugs are the most embarrassing.

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Timeline 3D on Lion

Thursday, August 04, 2011

Apple has released another cat into the wild. So, what do you think of Lion so far?

For BEEDOCS, this has been one of the smoothest OS upgrades yet (once I got used to "natural scrolling"). All the major functionality of Timeline 3D worked without modification. Creating, editing, saving, viewing, and exporting timelines has been working great.

There are some new features in Lion that applications can take advantage of as well. I just published a free update (v3.2) that adds a few of these features. For example, you can now use Lion's full screen mode for timeline editing. We also tweaked the settings for Lion's elastic scrolling so that it feels more natural to traverse a timeline with a trackpad.

We also continue to work on our localization. As of this release, we now have Timeline 3D fully translated into French, German, Chinese, Dutch, and Swedish. More languages and translated Help documentation are on the way.

As always, if you find a bug, need help, or have translation improvements to suggest, please contact us at support@beedocs.com.


We have some customers reporting that 3.2 isn't opening their documents properly. I have pulled it from our website (you can get 3.1 using the download link). We are working to reproduce the issue on our computers and will issue a fix as soon as we can. If you are experiencing issues with freezing or corrupt document please send us an e-mail at support@beedocs.com. The more information we have, the quicker it will be for us to fix. Thanks!
