Bee Docs Timeline 2.5.1
Thursday, March 26, 2009
I released yet another update to Bee Docs Timeline earlier this week. We are working on a video to show some of the new features, but until then, here is the list of improvements...
Release Notes - 2.5.1
- NEW: Select which monitor the 3D Mode uses for display in Preference pane
- IMPROVED: Up to 10x performance increase for automatic layout
- IMPROVED: "Things" importer has option for excluding completed To Do items
- IMPROVED: Tall timelines (stacked events, many rows) are more efficient in width
- IMPROVED: Shift-arrow and control-arrow combinations now work as expected
- FIXED: "Things" importer works with databases stored in non-standard locations
- FIXED: Sometimes arrow keys didn't traverse in the proper order
- FIXED: Height of complex timelines were sometimes too tall
- FIXED: Subversion (SVN) compatibility for timeline documents improved
- FIXED: Change default export from Pixlet to Photo-JPG for wider compatibility
- FIXED: Exporting 3D timelines that use image backgrounds would sometimes show a white flickering line on the back edge of the chart
Labels: performance, software update, timeline
THANKS ADAM!!! The speed improvement to rendering 3D movies is remarkable.
I appreciate the update. A few enhancements I'd love to see in v3.0:
- Double-click on the timeline to add a new entry.
- Allow date entry by quarter (e.g., Q1 2007)
- Allow date labels for other than calendar years (e.g., FY 06)
- Allow specification of end points in timeline axis (e.g., entries are 2001-2004, but I want timeline to start at 1995)
- Allow printing of bulk edit view.
Thanks for a great product!
thanks for the postcard. nice touch. Much appreciated.
I bought the software under the educational pricing plan which is appreciated. As a student, I wanted something that would help me present a visual context for much of the historical detail that was inevitably put forward. I'm happy with my first two real attempts to cover my specific areas of Roman history through BD Timeline.
I also found some limitations which I thought I'd pass along as maybe others would have the same requirements:
1. I would love the option to fix the window that is presented. I don't *think* the software can do this as it's all under the control of the auto displayer. What I would have really appreciated was the ability to have two pages printed and have them both aligned (by period) so that I could extend my coverage of a specific period over more than a single page/multi-row and have both set at a particular period (i.e., 250-350AD.)
2. Pretty much the same comment in some ways. I'm sure I'm not the first to suggest but some level of control over the date window would be great. I had some really nice timelines drawn up, thought it would be nice to add one more thing from a slightly earlier period and bam! my timeline was three feet long and no longer workable.
Minor issues with what is a really nice product. If it continues to evolve in the way that current development suggests I'd be keen to purchase a full licence and start to use the output in a business context. It really has a lot of applications. Thanks again!
Look promising for my biz.. couple more days of tinkering on my side...
Here's one enhancement that would really be helpful. Currently Timeline is 'past' focused... I see being able to use this great display to project a future "generic' timeline. Were Timeline able to display a Project Time Table looking forward without being locked down to a specific start date, it would be possible to show in a presentation the various steps with their associated time to process with an over all time to accoplish a project.
Right now I can prepare the various steps of a real estate project, site selection, contract negotiations, obtaining approvals, construction, occupancy... but only with an actual "start" date. I'd like to be able to do the same with a generic start date and the 120 days to complete step one... 60 days to do step 2..
I really like the ability to render a 3D timeline to communicate a flow of ideas. I am having a difficult time, though, working collaboratively on a historical timeline because a timeline created on one computer crashes Bee Docs on another (I have a laptop and desktop, and my team is using both). Can you help troubleshoot this? I'm using the very latest Bee Docs 3d version, I'm running 10.5.6 on both my macs, I'm hoping you can help me.
Thanks so much.
Process: Timeline 3D [191]
Path: /Applications/Timeline 3D
Identifier: com.beedocs.timeline
Version: 2.5.1 (2.5.1)
Code Type: X86 (Native)
Parent Process: launchd [85]
Date/Time: 2009-03-29 10:37:52.225 -0500
OS Version: Mac OS X 10.5.6 (9G55)
Report Version: 6
Thank you all for your comments. Your suggestions help us prioritize improvements, so thank you for your enthusiastic involvement!
To the blogger from Wisconsin Fast Plants: I would like to address the problem you are having with the software. Instead of doing this on the blog, why don't you email me at and I will do my best to help you resolve the issue.
I just tried this software and must say I do not understand the hype, it cannot do anything and is totally overprized. Maybe I am missing something but:
the import from iCal is a pain in the *** with the useless way of selecting time interval, also it seems to be not functional as only some of the data are imported.
only a new timeline file can import from iCal. how about adding ability of correlating several sub-timelines (from iCal or spreadsheet/table data???
no pasting from selections of data, each has to be entered separately.
wow, the year is 2009, what is the problem with making the software really functional timeline software?
or is the non registered version feature impaired and I did not get the real usefulness of this software (besides making shiny keynote stuff)?
BeeDoc Timeline didn't delete temporary movie files in /private/var/tmp/. Some are over 1Go. I have to manually delete them.
Is it a bug ?
However BeeDoc Timeline is a great software.
pfali, a movie exported is compiled as a movie with minimal compression (large file size) in your tmp directory and then saved with compression to your final location after the movie is rendered.
If the export process is completed or cancelled, the tmp files are deleted. If the software is "force quit" during an export, the files will not be deleted properly.
However, even in the case, the files should be deleted the next time you reboot your computer. You are also welcome to delete these manually if you would like.
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