Timeline for iPad - Beta Announcement
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
As you probably know, we've been working hard to make Timeline 3D for iPad a reality. We plan to launch by the end of the year, but we'd like to give a few lucky customers an early preview of Timeline 3D for iPad.
Like its predecessors, Timeline 3D for iPad will be the most simple way to create beautiful multimedia timelines, and getting feedback from our customers’ hands-on experience is vital to helping us develop the best possible product. If you'd like to apply to be part of our beta, please email support@beedocs.com with the following information:
- In what part of the world do you live?
- How do you use Timeline 3D or Easy Timeline?
- How would you envision using an iPad version of Timeline 3D?
Please note: Timeline 3D is built with Apple's latest technologies and requires iOS 6 or above.