ScreenCastsOnline Tutorial
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Last week, Don McAllister of ScreenCastsOnline published a tutorial video for Easy Timeline. Besides being an insightful reviewer, Don is also a customer of our timeline products and does a wonderful job of explaining things clearly.
I highly recommend this video for long-time customers as well as people who are checking out our software for the first time.
Labels: movie, ScreenCastsOnline, tutorial
Feature Comparison Chart
Wednesday, September 07, 2011

I have had a few people send e-mails today asking for a detailed feature comparison of Timeline 3D vs Easy Timeline. So here it is.
If you are a new customer, this chart should help you decide between Easy Timeline and Timeline 3D.
If you have an earlier version of Timeline 3D, I hope this chart will convince you to upgrade to Timeline 3D (v3). As a reminder, here are the steps for previous Timeline 3D customers to upgrade:
Download and install the v3 Edition.
Confirm that your existing license is entered in the Registration Panel (should transfer automatically)
In the Registration Panel, click the "Upgrade to v3" button.
The upgrade will cost $25 USD
If you are an Easy Timeline customer, you can upgrade to Timeline 3D (v3) for the price difference between the two products. Simply purchase Timeline 3D and then send me a copy of your Easy Timeline receipt from the Mac App Store at I will refund the price you paid for Easy Timeline from your Timeline 3D order.
Labels: chart, easy timeline, features, timeline 3D
Easy Timeline on Mac App Store
Tuesday, September 06, 2011
I am pleased to introduce a new product in the Timeline family called Easy Timeline. Easy Timeline is available today on the Mac App Store for $19.99 USD.
Why a new timeline software product?
Timeline 3D was originally designed to meet the needs of lawyers making trial exhibits. Both our product and our customer base have greatly expanded since then. However, professional customers remain an important part of the DNA of Timeline 3D.
I often hear from students and other folks who want to the same create beautiful timelines, but for whom the $65 price is a barrier. I have had many requests from customers who prefer to purchase software from the Mac App Store. I also understand that some people only need to purchase our software in order to present a timeline for a single project.
Easy Timeline is for these people. Easy Timeline is designed to be a simple, inexpensive, and self contained. It is designed specifically for students and ocassional users.
What do Easy Timeline and Timeline 3D have in common?
Both products can present beautiful interactive 3D timelines.
Both products allow you to create custom timelines using any date format you can imagine.
Both products allow you to drag and drop multimedia such images, movies, and audio onto timeline events.
Both of products share the same document format, so timeline documents can be exchanged between the two applications.
Both products are fully localized to over 13 languages (including help documentation) and include the ability to create timelines in any language.
How do they differ?
Timeline 3D was designed to function as part of professional work flow. It can import events from many different Mac applications, including iCal, Aperture, iPhoto, OmniFocus, Basecamp, Skitch, etc…
Timeline 3D also can publish timelines to websites, YouTube, Keynote as well as export timelines as HD video with advanced rendering features such as motion blur and audio soundtracks.
Easy Timeline is designed to be more self contained. The options to import data, publish timelines, and render video are limited. However, Easy Timeline does contain the ability to print and save two-dimensional timeline as PDF. It also shares the ability to present 3D full-screen interactive timelines from within the software.
Why not call it Timeline 3D Lite?
At this time, Easy Timeline contains a subset of the functionally of Timeline 3D. However, I want the freedom to evolve it separately from our flagship product based on the target audiences of each product.
My intention is that each of our timeline products are well designed and useful for their intended audiences, not that one is a trial version of the other.
How do I purchase Easy Timeline or Timeline 3D?
Easy Timeline is available on the Mac App Store.
Timeline 3D is available to download and purchase direct from
Is there a trial version of Easy Timeline?
No, but you are welcome to download our free trial of Timeline 3D.
Can I upgrade from Easy Timeline to Timeline 3D?
Yes, please send us an e-mail at for details.
Timeline 3D - For professionals who want to create beautiful timelines. Designed to be an integrated part of your publishing workflow. $65 USD from
Easy Timeline - Beautiful timeline for the rest of us. Create and Present timelines. $19.99 USD on the Mac App Store.
Labels: app store, easy timeline, products, release