Revolución Rusa and Revolución Francesa
Friday, February 15, 2008
These two timelines were created by Emilio Garcia of Barcelona, Spain using Bee Docs' Timeline. They are a beautiful example using of a custom image as a chart background to bring meaning and interest to the subject matter.
Charting the Structure of Aeschylus' Agamemnon
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Bee Docs' Timeline customer Mary McMenomy of Ohio State University sent me the following timeline of the play Agamemnon. She writes, "My goal with this diagram was to demonstrate to the students how scenes of the play alternate with interludes from the Greek chorus, and how the choral passages themselves get shorter over the course of the play."
Interestingly, Ms McMenomy used "years" as the date format but instead of charting time, she is using line numbers from the Grene and Lattimore translation of the Greek text. It is a great idea so perhaps you might want to consider charting poetry using Bee Docs' Timeline too!
Labels: agamemnon, customer, education, lines, poetry, timeline
Applescript and Bee Docs' Timeline
Friday, February 08, 2008
Last night I release version 2.0.4 of Bee Docs' Timeline. Among other things, the new version adds Applescript support which for many people will be the biggest new feature since the launch of 2.0.
For it's debut, the Applescript dictionary is focussed on getting events into and out of Bee Docs' Timeline. For example, the help documentation contains a sample script for building a timeline based on your most recent e-mails in your inbox. There is also sample code for converting your timelines to simple HTML.
Combined with our software's beautiful automatic layout capabilities, the ability to create new events via scripts presents a unique opportunity to include timeline charts to your workflow without any need for user interaction. As far as I know, no other timeline software out there will allow you to do this.
I can't wait to see what our customers come up with. Please let me know if you are using timelines in your scripted workflow, send me your scripts if you are willing to share, and send your suggestions too.
Also, from time to time people need custom scripts but do not want to learn Applescript. If you become an expert on scripting Timeline and are willing to do some contract work, please let me know so that I can pass your name along to other users.